Jesus in Everything: Stuffed Animals
Did you have a stuffed animal or a special “lovie” growing up?
What was this lovie or special friend like for you? Did you take it everywhere? Did it have a special spot in your room? Were there places on it that were tired and worn from holding all your love?
While as adults, we may have long forgotten our stuffed animal friends and the blankets and trinkets that served us so well as small children, we can still appreciate two things they teach us about Who Jesus is:
the God of all comfort
a companion who will never forsake us.
Young children have a built-in system that helps them get the affection and comfort they need, whereas adults we often trade in the tinkling bells ringing inside our minds and our hearts for independence and maturity.
Sometimes, we too as adults, need physical, tangible reminders of God’s abstract gifts, like love, comfort, and friendship. The good news is that God is still in the business of giving gifts, no matter our age.
Tune in for our latest podcast episode: Jesus in Everything: Stuffed Animals.
Don’t forget to tell us in the comments about your own stuffed animal or lovie!