Sorrow, joy, distress, contentment, compassion, anxiety, loneliness, pride, longing, delight…

Emotions are nothing if not complex: They vex us and they rev us up.

They can distort our perceptions to see what we want to see, closing us off to reality or to the openness that brings growth alongside of grace. They can also fuel our understanding of ourselves and others. They can inform us and challenge us to awareness of our capacity and our need for help and for God.

Emotions have their place, but what exactly is that place?

Where do we start in interacting and understanding our emotions and the emotions of others?

How does the redemption and restoration of a God who loves us enough to be with us on this earth, to spend time with us, to sacrifice for us, apply to our emotions and the emotional parts of ourselves?

Emotions & the Gospel: Created for Connection

Subscribe to at the bottom of the page for more extras to come including Emotion playlists, resources for teaching kids about emotions, and resources of processing your own emotions in grace and the freedom of the Gospel.