
The Mighty & The Mysterious

We were created by a relational God. Therefore we are people of relationships and connection.

God connects. He makes connections all over creation and He connects each of us one to the other. Because God is The Great Connector, He designed humans to be in community with Him. And He created us to be in community together. We don’t roam this great big world on our own, whether in marriage, family, or friendship.

The question remains, though: if community is not merely a bonus, not an extra, but a piece of God’s plan, how do we actually move toward embracing connection? How do we throw off pretending at community and begin to do meaningful life together? And what about when questions assail and we come face to face with the slush of life that makes very little sense?

The Mighty & the Mysterious is a 6-Week Study of Colossians and Life Together.

Who is this mighty and mysterious God?

How do we walk through the questions of life that overwhelm us?

How does God make all the pieces fit, when so much of life seems unclear?

How does God work in relationship and restoration?

How do we begin to create authentic life together in real, living, breathing community?

You can use the study with or without the video components. Here’s the preview to get you started:

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