Judgement and Mercy Judges.png

The people of Israel in the Old Testament were just like us.

Ok, they didn’t have dishwashers…or cars…or the internet.

But we both need God, we both need a Savior.

We both need leadership and guidance.

We both need protection and care, comfort for our day, and hope for the next day as it comes.

I want to introduce you to these long-ago people and their long-ago problems and solutions, and see what we can learn. The book of Judges, in particular, shows us the universality of humankind’s needs, which means how we are all the same, rather than how we are all different. It also shows us what having relationship with God changes and how it makes life better and more hopeful.

We all need a Deliverer.

We all need a Leader.

We all need a Mighty God.

I invite you to join me on a journey through every chapter of the book of Judges in the Old Testament. These devotions are intended for all ages:

Might & Mercy: Family Devotions in Judges

In Might & Mercy we will follow nine men and women following one Mighty and Merciful God. We’ll learn about deliverance, leadership, God’s greatness, and His mercy. See how very much we are like the Israelites and what work God is doing in His people, as well as in my family and your family.

Find each of the 10 devotions at the link below. Included with each will be:

1 Warrior Card - a printable piece of character/warrior art, specially designed to engage children in a family around the Bible story for the judge of the week. All of the warrior cards are done by a Nebraskan teen artist, Adam Boggs, who has a lively, vibrant graphic-novel style.

1 family-friendly/classroom friendly/multi-age devotion about the warrior of the week

1-2 Conversation Question(s)