It’s time to talk about celebration.
Don your party hat.
Go grab some chips and dip.
Invite over a friend.
Because Jesus… he’s always giving us a reason to celebrate.
In week 6 of our study we’ll cover just a few reasons and ways God adds celebration into our life. Life may not always feel like a celebration, but the reality is that Jesus is always adding something, always bringing more, even when we feel left out, bereft, hurt, broken, and frustrated.
He’s with us in our joy and with us in our sadness.
What does Jesus bring to the party?
Tell us what Jesus adds to your life in the comments, after the salvation, after all the forgiveness, what is different in your life because Jesus is in it.
What is your Jesus+?
Share a name, a place, a thing, something tangible …
Or share the abstract: the joy, the comfort, the connection, the grace.
Watch the video and join the conversation in the comments here on the blog, on youtube, or on social media: