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Brokenness is an uncomfortable topic. We wonder if we open it up, or bring it out from underneath the bed, we’ll be inviting more of it into our lives, more mess, more yuck.

But what if by opening it up, by walking through the messes and brokenness in our lives, what if that’s how we came to see hope more clearly?

In Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration, I want to help you recognize and name the difficult parts of life, of your life, and of the life in our shared humanity. When we name and move through our brokenness, we can see how God enters our mess more clearly and we can see the restoration He has planned for us and for our stories.

Download a free sample of Finding Hope: From Brokenness to Restoration below or order the book at the link above.

Need a little hope each day or know someone who could use some small doses of hope? Download my hope list, which contains 22 Bible verses of hope, and my hope play list full of music of all kinds speaking hope.